You can learn AI later(你可以慢点学习AI)
🗒️You can learn AI later(你可以慢点学习AI)
2023-7-6|最后更新: 2023-7-6
这篇文章的作者是Jason Fried,37Signals的联合创始人兼CEO,这家公司开发了Basecamp和HEY。曾被连线杂志评为《十大最值得关注的新创公司》
Throw a dart on LinkedIn, or toss one into the ether on Twitter, and you'll likely hit a post proclaiming that you better "learn AI" or you're falling behind.
Master the tools and become a prompt engineer or someone else will tell the AI to summarize the long documents, kick off initial first drafts, and rewrite the headlines for you!
This isn't saying AI, ChatGPT, or whatever comes next is nonsense. It's very real, very powerful, and very here.
But there's nothing you need to learn, or do, right now, other than be curious. Play around, kick the tires, poke and prod. Get a feel for what this new sauce tastes like. Have fun, it's not a test.
But become a master at once or you're going to lose your job to some AI expert? Nah. That's pure FUD. The stuff that everyone's talking about is barely 6 months old — there are no experts, there are just people playing experts on the internet.
Besides, the best way to learn something is to need that something. Learning when you don't really need to is a good way to give up early. Learning when there's something you truly need to do, but can't, but could, is the right time to figure something out.
They say necessity is the mother of invention, but it's really the impetus for learning. The time will come, and you can figure it out then. If anything, it'll be easier to learn how to use AI once it settles in a bit. Currently it's a moving target.
So wait on it. Pop the pressure. Don't feel like you're falling behind. And don't drop everything to dig in. Start curious, stay curious, know what it's capable of, and, when the necessity strikes, figure it out. Until then, ignore the demands and focus on doing what you're already good at.
  • Jason
在 LinkedIn 上投掷一枚飞镖,或者在 Twitter 上投掷一枚飞镖,你很可能会看到一个帖子,宣称你最好“学习人工智能”,否则你就会落后。 掌握工具,成为一个迅速的工程师或其他人会告诉人工智能总结的长文件,开始初步草稿,并为您重写标题! 胡说八道。 这并不是说人工智能、聊天 GPT 或者接下来发生的任何事情都是无稽之谈。它非常真实、非常强大,而且非常现实。 但是现在你没有什么需要学习或者做的,除了好奇。玩耍,踢轮胎,戳戳戳。感受一下这种新酱的味道。玩得开心点,这又不是测试。 但是马上成为一个大师,还是你会失去你的工作,一些人工智能专家?没有。这完全是 FUD。每个人都在谈论的东西只有不到6个月的历史ーー没有专家,只有人们在互联网上扮演专家。 而且,学习的最好方法就是去需要那些东西。在不需要的时候学习是早点放弃的好方法。当你真的需要做某件事,但是不能,但是可以做的时候,学习就是找到解决办法的最佳时机。 他们说需要是发明之母,但是它确实是学习的动力。时机会到的,到时候你再想办法。如果说有什么区别的话,那就是一旦人工智能稳定下来,学习如何使用它会更容易一些。目前是移动目标。 那就等着吧。打开压力。不要觉得你落后了。不要放弃一切去挖掘。开始好奇,保持好奇,知道它能做什么,当必要的时候,找出来。在那之前,忽略这些要求,专注于你已经擅长的事情。 杰森